Photo of Lesly Aju

Lesly Aju

Acute Care Specialities : Treasurer

In my opinion, being a doctor within the acute care stem is one of the most challenging but also one of the most important specialties! From when a patient first steps into hospital to when a patient receives life changing treatment, acute care specialty doctors are always with them to support them throughout their journey through hospital.

Previously, I was part of the comittee as the critical care lead and through this role I was able to aid in teaching freshers taking bloods for the first time and I was able to help coordinate a lecture series on intensive care medicine led by a world renowned physician! Through this position, I was able to develop my creative skills when producing posters advertising our events; improve my teamwork skills when organizing events alongside our chairs and other committee members and enhancing my persuasion skills to ensure a good turnout to all events!

I hope that through the role of treasurer, I will continue to inform and inspire students to pursue a career in an acute care specialty. I also aim to help organize and budget more activities throughout the year for more students across more year groups, such as running the blood and brownies event over multiple days in order to help more students experience their first exposure to clinical skills.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as a committee member for the ACS and I hope to continue being part of this wonderful society as treasurer next year!