Dermatology (ICSM): Chair


Yoon Soo Park

Hello! I am Yoon Soo, a fourth-year medic intercalating in Endocrinology. I have always had a strong passion and interest in Dermatology as a medical speciality and have continuously been involved in projects and research within this field. There have been many recent topics in dermatology such as skin of colour and psychodermatology that have been rising in interest and I hope to increase opportunities for students ...

Ayushi Gianchandani

Hi, I'm Ayushi and I'm in second year! After being on committee for a year as Publicity Officer, I'm so excited to be running for president this year! During my placements, both at Imperial and externally, I found myself drawn to dermatology and this passion has made me committed to fostering a community of collaboration amongst others who also want to explore dermatology further. Through this role, I want to be abl ...