Dermatology (ICSM): Vice Chair


Vaishaanth Nagaraj

Hi everyone, I’m Vaishaanth, running for Vice Chair. Past Experiences and Skills I have held leadership positions in the past, including being the group leader of my A-level project work team, through which I actively listened to everyone’s ideas, making decisions best suited to my group’s needs. Furthermore, serving national service in the Singapore Armed Forces allowed me to interact with an ...

Mohid Malik

Hi everyone, my name is Mohid Malik and I’m currently intercalating in Global Health. Being passionate and dedicated to the field of dermatology, I’m excited to bring my experience, skills, and leadership qualities to this role and contribute to this great society. As a member of various committees, I've gained invaluable experience in leadership, teamwork, and organization. In my role as President of M ...