Dermatology (ICSM): Alumni Officer


Amandeep Kaur Sangha

Hello everyone! My name is Amandeep, a 1st year medical student, and I would love the opportunity to be your new alumni officer. Dermatology is a fascinating specialty, in the terms that it encompasses a myriad of acute and chronic conditions, concerns the body's largest organ, and requires keen visual skills. Although this is an exciting, dynamic and highly competitive field, students still have limited experience ...

Jonathan Kow

Hi, I’m Jonathan, and I’m running to be your next Alumni Officer for the Dermatology Society. I have various experiences that will contribute to my success as an Alumni Officer. In the Teddy Bear Subcommittee and MedTech Committee Subcommittee, I have learnt to liaise with external parties and plan various events and organise many different meetings. As a Third Sergeant in the Singapore Navy in charge ...