Obstetrics & Gynaecology: Publicity Officer


Khumo Karas

As a 3rd year medic on placement this year, I’ve thought deeper about what my future speciality will be. O&G is a top choice as it’s rewarding, which will motivate me to work through the hardships of being a doctor. Perhaps I’m inspired as I recognise the stigma and disparity around female health and want to be part of that change that’s needed. I’d like to be publicity officer so t ...

Manasa Damarla

As a current 4th year student I have developed a strong interest in the field of O&G, and I would love to get more involved by using my publicity and marketing experience in this role. I am highly organised and had to be so this year being Creative Director for ICSM RAG Fashion Show, Creative Head for IC Medathon, and a rep for my iBSc simultaneously. I am aware that the skills I have developed, such as organis ...

Sheshpriya Gadiya

Firstly, I will work closely with our Executive Committee to develop a comprehensive publicity plan for the year. This will include identifying key events and initiatives that we want to promote, as well as determining the most effective ways to reach our target audience. By working together, we can create a unified and consistent message that accurately reflects our society's values and goals. Secondly, I will leve ...