Oncology: President


Caroline Bong

Hi Guys! Chiara and I are 3rd year medics with a passion for oncology and we are running to be your next OncoSoc presidents! Oncosoc has made huge steps last year, but this is only the beginning - as your presidents we plan on growing the society further! We plan on doing the following things: 1. Expand the surgical conference - we hope to source more materials and demonstrators to provide more workshops2. Create ...

Amal Ahmed

Hi everyone! I am excited to announce my candidacy for President of Oncology Soc! As a fourth year medical student, I’ve been a dedicated member of the society for the last few years. I’m passionate about oncology and aim to ensure that our committee continues to provide an inclusive and supportive community for everyone interested in the field. Here's my vision for the upcoming year: More interacti ...

Viraj Kakhandki

Vote for Viraj and Iihan as co-presidents for Oncology Achievements in Oncology Society: As sponsorship officer, Viraj has secured over £1800 in funding this academic year. This has been essential for the running of the society - particularly ensuring the inaugural Surgical Oncological Conference could occur at great scale. Viraj also played an integral role in the organisation of the Surgical Oncologica ...

Charlene Kok

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.