Oncology: Vice-President


Shivank Khare

Hey everyone, I’m Shivank and I’m running for Oncology Vice President. I believe that I am well-suited to take on the responsibilities of managing conferences, organising tutorials, and increasing oncology awareness through networking with professors and societies associated with this role. Managing Conferences: Firstly, Oncology has had a successful conference this year with talks from leading surgeons ...

Alessandro Troiani

Hello everyone, my name is Alessandro, and it would be an honour to be elected as your Vice-President. Having been part of the OncoSoc committee as Academic Officer, I believe I will be particularly suited for this role. If elected, I would prioritise making OncoSoc one of ICSM’s most prominent academic societies, picking up from the amazing work our committee has done last year. Exploiting my experience with t ...

Alia Osman

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.