Investment: President


Nicholas Kwok

NOTE: LASEN WANNI ARACHCHIGE and I ARE RUNNING AS CO-PRESIDENTS As experienced committee members of the Investment Society, serving as Secretary and Head of Events, we are thrilled to reflect on the past year and the transformative time we've had. Notably, the society received the Top Grad Gold award for the Best Finance/Business society in the UK, hosted 14 external industry events, and developed QT Capital into a ...

Kai Ye

Greetings everyone! I'm Kai, currently in my 2nd year studying Computing. Having witnessed the remarkable growth of our society in 2021 and 2022, I am determined to continue our success and (more importantly) enhance the application guidance for paths into different segments of the finance industry! In the past few months, I'm humbled to have achieved the followings among my various commitments: As a sponsorshi ...