Investment: Treasurer


David Oommen

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Ylli Nici

Dear fellow members of the Investment Society, As a candidate for the position of Treasurer, I want to bring my passion for finance and my dedication to our club to this leadership role. I am confident that I have the skills and experience needed to help the society achieve its financial goals and maintain its strong reputation on campus. First and foremost, I am committed to maintaining the financial integrity of ...

Mihir Acharya

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Vraj Agarwal

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Mukund Verma

Hi everyone! I'm Mukund, a third-year Mechanical Engineering student and I am running to be Treasurer of the Investment Society for the upcoming year. My involvement with the society began as an Equity Research Analyst within QT Capital for the financials team where I was involved in a pitch for Visa. This provided a great introduction to both the society and gave me knowledge of finance. I have built on this exper ...

Mahmoud Farrag

As a previous CIVSOC treasurer, I am comfortable with managing funds. I have experience being in contact with sponsors, as well as communicating with the union finance department to secure sponsorship payments and annual funds in a timely manner. I am also experienced in managing a budget of over £9000, as well as collaborating with committee members on large scale events. Alongside this, I will: Manage the ...

Ian Chow

Hi there! I am Ian, a second-year computing student running for the position of treasurer in the Investment Society Committee. I have completed the SEC course and have attended multiple events and classes organised by the society, which have given me a great understanding of the finance industry. I am committed to ensuring the society's finances are managed efficiently and transparently. I am confident that my skill ...

Patrick Boon

Hello, my name is Patrick and as the Treasurer for the Investment society, I will strive to manage and oversee our organisation’s finances in a responsible and principled manner, primarily by using our allocated funds in the most efficient, effective and sustainable way. If I become the Treasurer, I will ensure that: I regularly and closely communicate and work with all other members of the committee. I pr ...

William Chen

My name is Daiyang Chen (William), and I am running for 'Investment: Treasurer'. I am a first year undergraduate student currently studying BSc Biochemistry, and I am passionate about the financial world. I am proud to be joining Citi as a Spring Intern in April, and I am looking forward to helping students around Imperial College by organising interesting events that will help us all build a better understanding of ...

Smayan Soni

Having been an active member of the society, I have gained a deep understanding of the importance of financial management in achieving our investment objectives. As Treasurer, I will be responsible for managing the society's finances, and I am confident that my attention to detail, strong analytical skills, and ability to work collaboratively with others will enable me to manage the society's investments and finances ...

Mahsa Sheikhi

Hello everyone. My name is Mahsa Sheikhi and I’m excited to announce that I’m running for the treasurer position at Imperial Investment society! I recognise that I will be responsible for managing the society’s funds and I will work to ensure that all expenses are approved and recorded according to our priorities. As treasurer, I would guarantee that our society has the resources needed to th ...

Najiyah Khanom

The Treasurer is invaluable in aiding Investment Society to achieve their goals in providing hands-on experience in the Investment Industry and creating unique opportunities for members to network with leaders of renowned firms. They ensure events are fiscally feasible, there is a consistent stream of monetary support for the society and are crucial in furthering healthy relationships with sponsors. My experience as ...

Meera Prabhakar

Hi, I’m Meera and I am running for the role of treasurer for Imperial Investment society. During my time in Investment soc I have attended fun, informative and inspiring events which have guided me in my path into banking. I’m eager to give back to the society for all they have done for me :) When I first joined Investment society I knew practically nothing about the financial industry but through their ...