African Caribbean: Vice President Events


Vivian Sullyunna

Hi, I’m Vivian and I am running for ACS Vice President Events. I want to work towards making ACS an adequate support system as it was for me, through creating innovative, inspiring and stimulating events to combat isolation and neglect of underrepresented cultures within ACS. I am ardent about making ACS a stronger tight-knit community and addressing the needs of all members. I have been an active member sinc ...

Samantha Adjetey

As the Vice President of Events for the Afro-Caribbean Society, my primary focus will be to organise events that highlight and celebrate the rich heritage of the Afro-Caribbean community. I hope to increase cultural awareness through events that showcase the diverse and vibrant cultures of the Afro-Caribbean community. Through dance, music, food, and other cultural activities, which will provide an opportunity for us ...

Nissi Okine

Hi! I'm Nissi, a 1st Year student studying Civil Engineering, and I would like to be your ACS VP of Events. My vision for the events next year is to build a community, having more frequent events to encourage interaction within the society.Alongside the traditional ACS events, I propose: termly girls and guys nights for freshers and separately all members, each with a different theme events to allow you to explo ...

Yemi Abe

Hi, I am a first-year Design Engineering student running for VP-Events. My goal is to create a community that celebrates and promotes African and Caribbean culture while addressing the unique challenges that our community faces. To achieve this, I propose the following events and initiatives: UoL Cultural Showcase: I suggest collaborating with other ACS from different universities in Lond ...