African Caribbean: Afrogala Co-ordinator


Juliana Joseph

Hey, I’m Juliana. Participating in Afrogala has been an occasion for refinement, maturation and resilience. Before taking part, I had many doubts, being very unsure of myself. Now, performing twice in afrogala, I have cultivated patience, stretched my boundaries, and overcome discouragement. Becoming Afrogala coordinator is a chance to present this opportunity for others to be uplifted too. From previous afrog ...

Sharon Lawal

Hey! I’m Sharon and I’m running for the position of Afrogala Co-ordinator. Participating in Afrogala acts this year, such as step and afrobeats, has helped push me out of my comfort zone and given me the opportunity to meet new people and develop strong bonds within ACS. As a first year, this experience allowed me to find my community at Imperial. I’d love to give others the opportunity to do the ...