Data Science: Head of Finance (Treasurer)


Shaheer Chaudry

'THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FREE LUNCH' While it's true, I WANT to make this statement FALSE to members of DataSoc! Some might know me as the free-pizza hunter, and rest assured, I plan to do something similar... As Money Makes the world go around; money, or the lack thereof, is also the root of most problems. Accordingly, the (last) person you want to hire is an Accountant as they will make sure to keep the ledger b ...

Yash Talekar

Hi everyone, To introduce myself, my name is Yash, a second year Aeronautical Engineering student repping to be your Treasurer for Data Science Society for the upcoming year. In full honesty, I am still a beginner in the field of data science and hope to continue building my skills and knowledge related to it. Yet this is one of the exact reasons I want to be running. Data Science Society provides opportunities and ...

Prashanth Ramasamy

Hi! I'm Prash and I am a 3rd-year Bioengineering student. I have been the Head of Finance for ICDSS for the past year, which has tested my budgeting and persuasion skills. Most importantly, I have come to learn the inner workings of ICDSS, and the nuances relating to our sponsors and responsibilities, such as the Lecture Series and our flagship event, AIHack. I will aim to make better use of our budget, through pitc ...