Endocrinology: Co-President


Jody Cheng

Hey! My name is Jody, and I’m running for endocrinology co-president with Natasha this year! We are third year medics on placement – we’ve both been on endocrinology rotations in the past. I was on an endo ward at Northwick Park which is what started my passion for this area of medicine. Endocrinology is a really broad and endlessly interesting subject and I’m excited to help navigate this and ...

Dania Hafid

Why vote for us? Danea's knowledge acquired during her BSc in Endocrinology has provided her with a network of endocrine doctors, surgeons and specialist healthcare professionals to aid students in the development of their career. My experience as academic representative and founder of CSG MedSoc means that I am well versed in organising events and liasing with medical professionals to produce events to support stud ...

Natasha Chittoo

Hello everyone, my name is Natasha and I am running for the position of Endocrinology Co-President alongside my colleague Jody. We are third year medics on placement. My most enjoyable rotation was when I was on Endocrinology which really inspired my passion for this specialty, and I am eager to get more involved outside the curriculum! My time on endo was invaluable, and it was the most exciting time on placement, ...

Rajdeep Bassi

Hi everyone, I’m Rajdeep and I am a second year medic. I am running for the role of Co-President this year. Endocrinology is a topic I am very passionate about and since being exposed to it in Medical School my interest has only grown. Shout out Dr Niamh Martin! As the Co-President, I would: Aim to have more tailored tutorials for all years at ICSM. Expand the outreach of Endocrinology Society. Increase ...

Danea Saad

Why vote for us? My knowledge acquired during my BSc in Endocrinology has provided me with a network of endocrine doctors, surgeons and specialist healthcare professionals to aid students in the development of their career. Dania's experience as academic representative and founder of CSG MedSoc means that she is well versed in organising events and liasing with medical professionals to produce events to support st ...