Endocrinology: Publicity Officer


Anoushka Khot

Hi I'm Anoushka, a first year medic who would cherish in the opportunity to employ the position of Publicity Officer of your Endocrinology society. My priorities would involve widening the scope of platforms through which Endocrinology society reaches out to you, its members. Through my previous experience in such roles, as Head of Debate Committee and School Council representative, I have developed the skills to org ...

Jaspreet Sangha

Hi, my name is Jaspreet and I am very excited to be running for the position of Publicity Officer. I have enjoyed my time as Secretary for the society this year and would like to continue supporting the committee next year to help the society to grow. As a current committee member I have a good understanding of how this society works and would use this knowledge to support my work as Publicity Officer. I am applying ...

Zahra Abass

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Leah Heartin

Hi, my name is Leah and I'm a second year. I've thoroughly enjoyed studying endocrinology and am excited about this new society! As an avid social media user I'm confident I can create innovative and engaging content that promotes the work of the society.