Obstetrics & Gynaecology: Year 2 & 4 Academic Officer


Ell Loukily

Hi my name is Ell, third year medical student, and I will be running for early years academic officer! It is no secret that the ICSM society run tutorials make up such a crucial part of the teaching resources available and can be absolute life savers when revising a topic that is unfamiliar in preparation for an exam. My aim is to do just that; deliver high quality, carefully structured tutorials that break down a to ...

Naziim Mohamed

Hi guys, my name is Naziim and I'm running for Year 2 & 4 Academic officer. I have always had a love for teaching, I have been a tutor for 4 years as well as CPA tutor for the past year. I also have a special interest in Obstetrics and gynaecology, especially since our Development and Aging lectures in Year 2. These lectures peaked my interest so much, that I have chosen to do Reproductive and Developmental Scien ...