Photo of Olivia Wing

Olivia Wing

Obstetrics & Gynaecology: Conference Co-coordinator

We are Nia and Olivia, fourth years who would love to be your Obstetrics & Gynaecology conference co-chairs.

We have been a part of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology conference committee for two years. Also being part of Trauma Conference subcommittee means we have wider experiences from other conferences we will bring to our role. We understand what works well, as well as possible pitfalls of conference coordination. Separately, we have also held roles on the Students Union. As Entertainments Chair, Nia organised multiple events including the entirety of freshers’ fortnight, procuring £11,000 profit. Olivia coordinated the very first volunteering and academics awards evening, as Volunteering and Academics Vice Chair, and assisted in helping academic clubs run conferences through her role.

By running as a pair, we feel we can exploit our combined and distinct experiences to further build upon the great reputation the O&G conference has. The skill-set we can bring to the role is valuable, and we hope it leads to a well-planned, minimally stressful conference.

Our main aims:

  • Widening the pool of consultants - we hope to offer updated workshops, to maintain variety and encourage attendance year on year.
  • Gain accreditation for the O&G conference - this would assure students of the conference’s high-quality, boosting ticket sales.
  • A sustainable conference with minimal food and equipment waste is a priority.
  • Save cost and aid equipment acquisition – organise equipment donations from relevant companies.
  • Running consistent sub-committee meetings, that begin early-on to ensure a succinct planning process, and smoother on-the-day running.