Clinical Genetics: Secretary


Natasha Chittoo

Hello everyone, my name is Natasha and I am running for the position of Secretary of Clinical Genetics. From my experience on RAG Committee, running Year 1 and 2 RAG tutorials, on Sub Com for the vintage sale and RAG Fresher Day, I am very good at event executing, organisation and teamworking. I am also a Fundraising Coordinator for FoMSF where I was leading the annual FunRun held at Battersea Park. I understand t ...

Zahra Abass

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Rama Aowidah

Hi! I'm Rama! I helped Nagme organise the OSCE tutoring scheme this year and have really enjoyed being able to help out the committe. Next year, I'd love to help out again in any way I can and feel I could be useful as someone behind the scenes organising internal communications, elections, communicating with the union and of course writing any necessary emails to our society members to let them know of things such ...