Psychiatry: Vice President (Events)


Venkatalakshmi Satram

Hello :) I am Venkat, currently a 4th-year medical student and PsychSoc’s Conference Lead. I’d love to be Vice President of Events, to continue encouraging curiosity about mental health, raise awareness and create a culture of acceptance. As conference lead, I have been leading a tight-knit team, supporting, and getting involved in all the steps of running events from: conceptualising a theme, building a ...

Hana Isphani

My name is Hana Isphani, I'm a third-year student and the current President for Psychiatry Society. As someone with a strong interest in this field, I aim to spread the same excitement I have found for this speciality through leading in this role. I have played an active role in this society from my first year at Imperial, where I was Speaker Coordinator for our annual student-led conference, followed by being the E ...