Photo of Yeline Idir

Yeline Idir

Women in Business: Marketing Manager

Hi Everyone!

I'm Yeline and I'm nominating myself for the role of Marketing Manager.

I have always dreamt of one day managing my own business. Of Creating and directing something I am truly passionate about. Being part of this society is one of the steps i chose to take in order to achieve that goal. Meeting like-minded people and forming new connections.

I would love to further my participation by joining the comittee this upcoming year as Marketing Manager.

I have experience in communication, as Head of Communication of my high school organization. I grew an interest in media analysis and business apparence as Social Media Manager for another one my high school engagements. I enjoy public speaking and have participated to many conferences, debates and speech events.

Finally, I had the opportunity to gain even more insight on content creation as Social Media Amabassador for Imperial College these past months.

All of these are skills and past experiences are what make me confident in my abilities to take on this rolesuccessfully amongst this society. It would be a very valuable experience for me to practice and learn the insights of marketing in a different environment.

I am looking forward to working with you all!