Photo of Anusha Narayan

Anusha Narayan

Design Engineering: Talks Manager


My name is Anusha and I’m standing to be your talks manager next year! I already have a year of experience in this role under my belt, and I’d love to continue to provide our students with opportunities to hear insightful, invigorating talks that can widen our horizons, making us aware of principles and technologies that we had no knowledge of. By organising and speaking at both Soapbox events this year, I saw just how many topics people are interested in, and I was amazed. I’d like to continue this successful trend.

What I want to achieve:

  • Talks from a wide variety of professionals

Strive to have professionals spanning the whole range from aesthetic design to engineering giving talks, showing us all the different paths that we can take once we leave Imperial

  • Greater student engagement in Soapbox

Encourage more students to take part in Soapbox, and attend it, by ensuring that there is a plethora of topics, so everybody has something which appeals to them!

A year of being Talks Manager has meant that I’ve made a number of great connections with a variety of companies, who are all happy to come back to Imperial. I can give Des Eng students the chance to hear from all of these companies and more, allowing more students to form meaningful connections with the people who can provide the most beneficial opportunities for them.

Thank you for reading my manifesto!