Bio Engineering: Publicity Officer


Marta Comes

Hello everyone! My name is Marta and I am really excited to be running for Publicity Officer of the Bioengineering Society. I plan to bring my creativity, organizational skills, and enthusiasm to the table in order to create engaging publicity material for events where we can all enjoy an amazing time together. I have experience with many design softwares and I am very artistic and creative, so I'll come up with un ...

Jeff Law

I am committed to using social media to promote bioengineering and advance the interests of the members of our organisation as a candidate for the position of publicity officer for the bioengineering society. I'm qualified for this position for the following reasons: Communication: I am aware of the significance of reaching out to our members and the larger community effectively. I'll update our members on society ...

Evelina McElhone

Hi! I'm Evelina, a rising third year student and I'd love to be the BioEng Publicity Officer for 2023/24. I've been an active member of the society since the first 'Mums and Dads' event in 1.31 and since then, I've enjoyed everything from the Christmas parties, to the 'Intern 101' talks. I want to make sure the welcoming atmosphere of BioEng continues by keeping everyone in the loop about all the exciting events and ...