Chemical Engineering: Pipeline Editor


Ari Luna Rueda

Hello chemeng! Having worked in the last year for pipeline I have gained valuable experience and I am accustomed with the procedures that go behind the scenes to produce an issue, more specifically the graphics design aspect of it. I have balanced this fairly well along with the busy year 2 full of deadlines, while still delivering mesmerizing, high quality designs that intricate not only chemeng students, but also ...

Wei Jen Chin

Hi, I’m Wei Jen. I’m part of the Pipeline team and have helped out with the magazine’s graphic design, proofreading and writing aspects! I had the opportunity to explore the topic of circular economy with incredible support and guidance from the editor, and I wish to take on the role of Pipeline Editor to do the same. My main motivations are 1) to inspire ChemEng students and expand their horizons b ...

Eylul Akgok

Hello! My name is Eylul, and I am in 2nd year. This year, I was part of the pipeline team as a proof-reader. Helping to present articles about career experiences, advice, and exciting news around the department was an extremely rewarding experience, and reading these articles is a major factor of why I appreciate chemical engineering much more than I did last year. I'd like to become your Pipeline Editor for next yea ...