Algorithmic Trading: Head of Events


Erick Jian

Hello all, I’m Erick, applying for Head of Events of Algorithmic Trading Society. As an active member participating in nearly all the events AlgoSoc provides, I wish to help out the committee by taking a more active role, such as planning and organising the upcoming Algorithmic Hackathon in autumn. If I have the privilege to be Head of Events, I will organise the six types of events(AlgoSoc is doing so well a ...

Manav Jain

Hey! I'm Manav and I'm a second-year computing student. Here's why I think I'd be a good fit to be head of events for AlgoSoc this year. In my time at AlgoSoc, I’ve been part of many events like the introduction to algorithmic trading course. Along with this, I’ve also been working on projects of my own involving algorithmic trading and the use of alternate data for improving trades. I hope to bring you g ...