Medical Education: Year 4 Coordinator


Sneha Pimpalnerkar

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Kapenajah Sribaskaran

Hello, I’m Kapenajah, a fourth year medic doing my BSc in bioengineering. Having experienced fourth year, it is evident that this year is drastically different from the first 3 years. Going from writing SAQs to essays and literature reviews isn’t easy. Thus, I want to make sure you are eased into your chosen BSc, to ensure that you not only enjoy your intercalated year but also achieve the best grade pos ...

Niamh Heneghan

Hi! I'm Niamh and I'm running for Year 4 Co-ordinator this year! Over my Med School years I have found MedEd invaluable! Having worked alongside our current 4th year co-ordinator as MedED's Publicity Officer, I feel I have gained insight about what support tutorials, lectures and resources are helpful and the best time to run them to help as many 4th years as possible. BSc year is a transition period to a new form ...