Society of Research and Academia: Publicity Officer


Henry Zhang

Hello, I'm Henry, a third-year medical student running for the position of publicity officer for SORA. Over the past few years, I have been an active member of SORA and have benefited greatly from the various events organized by the committee, which has provided me with valuable insights into the field of medical academia. My personal experience of applying for UROP has made me realize the difficulties medical stude ...

Teesta Maulik

Hi! My name is Teesta and I’m a first-year medic. When I prepared for interviews for medical school, I remember looking through all the societies and picking SORA to talk about. The prospect of joining a society that directly teaches people how to get involved and carry out research excited me. Research can often appear to be very daunting and too difficult to pursue. That’s why I truly believe in SORA&rs ...

Akshita Ramineni

Hi, I’m Akshita, and I’m running to be Publicity Officer for Society of Research and Academia (SORA). I believe that research and academia are essential for the advancement of knowledge and the betterment of society, and SORA gives opportunity aspiring researchers to delve into their curiosity. Being a magazine editor for my Sixth Form's Medical Magazine evoked an interest in me for medical research, an ...

Annie Alocious

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Kaaviya Thayalan

It would be a privilege to be considered for the role of Publicity Officer in SORA, and assist with the work SORA conducts, from hosting incredible events such as the Young Researchers Conference, to increasing accessibility within research. I developed my interest in research by completing “The Genomics Era: The Future of Genetics” which explored modern genomic technologies. To see this research first-h ...

Akhil Sonecha

SORA has been a gateway to research and academia for many students across the course, and SORA conferences are often an academic highlight of the year. It will be my mission to expand SORA and enlighten even more students. Here's how: 1. Collaborate with other societies to introduce members who may be suited to SORA. 2. Sell the benefits of research experience students to encourage them to take part. This esp ...

Venkatalakshmi Satram

Hello :) I am Venkat, currently a 4th-year medical student, and would love to be next year’s SORA Publicity officer. Through my past roles as VP Marketing for FoMSF, and Conference lead for PsychSoc, I have created eye-catching posts, that have encouraged event attendees, contributed to the success of the events, and am well-versed in using Canva. For example, the annual Fundraising FunRun, and PsychSoc Confere ...

Rama Aowidah

Hi! I'm Rama! I have been a member of SORA for the past two years and really appreciate the society's aid in aiding undergraduates enter research when they are unsure where to start. Now, I would love to help out by publicising the society's events such as the Young Researcher's Conference, speed networking events and the mentorship scheme so that more undergraduates take the opportunity to get into research.