MedTech: Sponsorship Lead


Iihan Ali

Recently, having helped and attended the MedTech conference I have gained an understanding of the importance of Medical Technology in advancing healthcare in the future. This experience is what prompted me to want to further take part in Imperial College London's MedTech society in the following academic year. Being on the subcommittee for the MedTech conference made me want to do more for this society and have a r ...

Anish Mariathasan

After attending the MedTech 2023 conference I realised I would love to help get funding to make the event even bigger than it already is. I am a first-year Biomedical Engineering student who would be able to help get sponsors and am happy to start early on in the year in doing this! Being selected as part of the Kickstart '23 cohort and developing a HealthTech focused startup has given me the opportunity to network ...

Masroor Salam

I am excited to announce my candidacy for the position of Sponsorship Lead. As someone who is passionate about MedTech and has experience in building relationships with sponsors and managing events, I believe I have the necessary skills and experience to serve as Sponsorship Lead and contribute to the society's success. My vision for the MedTech Society is to create a supportive community that fosters innovation and ...

Kalista Lam

Hey guys! I'm Kalista. I am used to sending cold emails to sponsors, and am happy to work with them to find the best sponsors for the society. I was in charge of finding speakers for HKBIO, Hong Kong's first biotechnology conference, funded by the government. I spent most of my time sending cold emails and calls to find speakers for the event. I was also part of the marketing team at Asia’s leading personalize ...

Akhil Sonecha

Tech will one day allow doctors to go beyond just fixing patients, by allowing us to enhance them. It is essential that we have contact with the organisations that will pioneer medicine's future. By securing the best and most extensive sponsorships as Sponsorship Officer, I can ensure that students are exposed to the cutting edge of the MedTech field, whilst allowing us to network with any big players in the fiel ...

Henry Zhang

Hello, I'm Henry, a third-year medic and I am running for sponsorship lead of MedTech. As an attendee of this year's annual conference, I was inspired by the potential of technological innovations to drive changes in clinical practice. I am excited to help secure sponsorships for the society to ensure the smooth running of next year's events. As sponsorship lead, my primary objective is to establish connections with ...

Alishba Ahmad

Hello, I’m Alishba and I’d love to be your sponsorship lead for next year! Having attended MedTech’s flagship events, like the national conference and online talks has motivated me be a part of a society that embodies ideas of entrepreneurship, innovation and inclusivity! I’ve been in positions of responsibility, such as the current publicity officer for Muslim Medics, where I have helped run ...