Infectious Diseases Society: Public Health Officer


Sruthi Vatsavayi

Hello everyone, my name is Sruthi (3rd year medic) and I would love to be public health for IDSoc next year! I have been involved with IDSoc since my 1st year and feel priveleged to have had the opportunity to engage in many of the fantastic events this society has put on - from public health campaigns to academic tutorials and more. Through these events, I have developed a strong interest in Infectious Diseases. I ...

Vaishaanth Nagaraj

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Aidan Birdi

Hi! I'm Aidan - I'm a second year medical student running to be a Public Health Officer for IDSoc! I'm really interested in infectious diseases and public health - especially in its intersection with epidemiology and mathematical modelling. I've completed a short course in the mathematical modelling and epidemiology of infectious disease before, and would love to bring this perspective of the subject to our committe ...

Raman Venkatesh Venkatesh

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.