South Asian Society: Secretary


Ravidu Fernando

Hey Guys, I’m Ravindu and I would love for the chance to run as Secretary in ASOC. I’ve always thought every ASOC event was a massive vibe,and I would love to be a part of the BTS team that delivers these consistent events everytime. In terms of experience, I hold a position on ASOC subcom and I am the current VP (events) for Sri Lankan Soc, so I have wide range of events management experience ranging ...

Sahar Khan

Hey my name is Sahar, I'm from Pakistan. I think it's time us south Asians started building a greater community. This year south Asian soc hasn't been doing much and I think we can all agree that we need a little more action in this society. I now have to intrude on Indian Soc everytime I want to get involved. Vote for me to be president and I'll give you guys the best time, embracing culture and from all the countri ...