General Practice (ICSM): Year 3 Coordinator


Sharon Daniel

I want to run for year 3 rep for GP soc as I have enjoyed my GP placements as well as the time I've spent on GP Soc committee the last 2 years previous GP soc Roles : Early years representative and (2021 - 2022) and Year 3 rep (2022-2023 but I took on more of an early years role by doing a tutorial on history taking for year 1s) As year 3 rep I want to make sure people are well prepared for year 3 placements as wel ...

Jessica Glenn

General practice is an incredibly overlooked part of medicine. It is incredibly easy to dismiss it as the treatment of mundane coughs and colds, and I will admit that I was of the same thinking until I took on my first GP placement. GPs are the first point of contact for most patients and are often seen as the most accessible doctors in the NHS. However, I think many of us underestimate just how much of an impact GP ...

Lakshmi Lakkineni

Hey everyone! I’m Lakshmi and I’m in third year. Having just finished my GP placement also known as Medicine in the Community Apprenticeship (MICA), I have really come to appreciate the work that GP practices do. Not only do they provide medical help but by working with a wide range of teams in the community, they also provide psychological and social support for patients in order to provide holistic care ...