Photo of Madison Fernando

Madison Fernando

Sexpression: School Liaison

Hi everyone, I’m Maddie and I’m running for publicity officer and school liaison of Sexpression. In my personal experience, sex ed was never fully taught properly in schools and I've seen the effects that certain stigmas about sex ed can have on people (for example: how to deal with protection, issues with consent, etc.).

My main goal when joining Sexpression was to try and counteract these negative preconceptions in the next generation by making them realise that sex ed should never be treated as a taboo subject. As someone who has always been passionate about teaching, I love that Sexpression encourages us to have open and interactive educational and unashamed conversations with students about these concepts. Furthermore, as a queer woman I wish that someone had talked to me about certain topics such as sexuality, and how to navigate them when I was younger (could of made a few years a lot less confusing).

As a member of the Sexpression committee I would like to focus on increasing the number of school opportunities for volunteers, develop some presentations that could introduce certain topics (for example: gender identity) to primary school children and most importantly just ensure that students feel a little less lost when dealing these difficult topics.