Students for Global Health: Early Years and Outreach Officer


Shuling Appleby

Hi I'm Shu, I'm currently a fourth year student doing my BSc in Global Health, on the Tokyo Medical Dental University - Imperial exchange. I've benefitted a lot this year with the support and guidance from older years and I'd really like to give back. I've previously been on the ICSM RAG committee, IC SkateSoc Treasurer and President for two years, as well as the vice-Chair of the 93% Club Society so I'm well expe ...

Aidan Birdi

Hi! I'm Aidan - I'm a second year medical student running to be the Early Years and Outreach Officer for SfGH! I'm passionate about Public Health and Global Health, particularly with the spread of tropical communicable diseases. I'd love to be part of SfGH Imperial, as it is such an amazing cause led by students! I have really enjoyed the events that SfGH has run this year and last! The conference last year was a b ...