Badminton (ICSM): Social Captain


Meeran Hamawandi

Hello I'm running for social captain. Having been involved in PotMed for a series of months I have conducted several interviews. This involved creating interview questions and model answers as well as being able to communicate this effectively with my interviewees. Holding this position therefore has allowed me to hone my communicative skills which I'm sure will be invaluable as a social captain. Furthermore as my ...

Caroline Yu

Hi, My name is Caroline. I hope to become the ICSM Badminton Social Captain, and I wanted to share my vision for our team and what I hope to achieve with your help. First and foremost, we should always strive to have fun and enjoy the game of badminton, which can be an excellent stress reliever. Secondly, I strongly believe in teamwork and supporting one another. We will work together and encourage each other to be ...