Lifestyle Medicine and Prevention : Publicity Officer


Onali Perera

Hi everyone! My name is Onali Perera, I'm a second-year medic, and I'm running for the position of Publicity officer of LMAP society! I wish to participate and get to know LMAPsoc next year, and with my current skillset I truly believe I can contribute meaningfully. I am currently publicity officer of Imperial's Poetry Society. Before I joined as a committee member, its discussion groups were minimally publicised ...

Jaspreet Sangha

Hi everyone, my name is Jaspreet and I am excited to be applying for the role of Publicity Officer. I am applying to be on the Lifestyle Medicine and Prevention committee as I have a growing interest in public health and how preventative measures could be utilised to improve population health as a whole. As publicity officer I would like to help grow the society by collaborating with other committee members to ensure ...

Janushana Sutharsan

I am Janushana, a second-year medical student, and I am standing for position of Publicity Officer for LMAP society. I am interested in being part of LMAP Society as I believe lifestyle medicine forms an essential part of every speciality therefore useful to all doctors. I have attended several talks given by LMAP society which I have found extremely useful such as the talk about prescribing physical activity which h ...