Badminton (ICSM): Welfare Officer


Amber Lum

Hi Everybody! My name is Amber and I am second year Medical Bioscience student who would love the opportunity to be your Welfare Officer at ICSM Badminton society. Over the past 2 years I have attended many of the society’s badminton sessions and socials, and found the society to be very inclusive and enjoyable. Having the opportunity to be welfare officer means I will be able to meet and get to know new/exist ...

Proud Rojchuphan

Hey guys, I'm Proud and I'm running for ICSM Badminton Welfare officer! Welfare is obviously very important to us and it's something I want to actively part in. My main goal is to ensure everyone gets a chance to voice their opinions and suggest how things can be improved. I want to make players feel supported, so if anyone feels troubled (be it club-related or personal) I'll be available to help either in-person o ...