Neurosurgical: Secretary


Jonathan Kow

Hi, I’m Jonathan and I’m running to be your next Neurosurgical Society Secretary. I have various experiences that will make me an effective Secretary. In the Teddy Bear Subcommittee and MedTech Committee Subcommittee, I have learnt to organise meetings, liaise with external parties and plan various events. As a Third Sergeant in the Singapore Navy in charge of a section of 12 men, I have honed my commu ...

Akhil Anil

Neurosurgery, is tough right? Well, there are only 450 neurosurgery consultants in the UK. ICSM Neurosurgical society focuses on shedding light on a career in Neurosurgery and hopefully inspire medical students to pursue the speciality. But to do this, we need to increase the reach of the society and that can only happen through growth. As secretary, I bring a fresh, innovative mindset to bring ideas to fruition whic ...

Adwait Joshi

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.