Formula 1: Secretary


Het Talati

Hello F1 fans! I'm Het Talati, a passionate 2nd year student Aero Eng student, running for a position on the F1 Soc’s committee. Aiming to improve an ever more thriving and budding community, I strive to build a stronger connection and improve engagement between all members by aspiring to accomplishing the following: - Increasing social events including trips such as F1 Arcade, go-karting and many more exhila ...

Bilal Yahya

Do you want to receive continous emails that portray the truth and not like "Bono my tyres are dead", well perfect vote for Bilal as your 2023/24 F1 Secretary and I promise you will be kept well informed with whats going on with the society. I believe in 3 simple things, transparency, togetherness and hoping Ferrari can make 1 correct strategy call a weekend. So guys its Hammer Time, vote Bilal as F1 Secretary.

Eleonore Law

Hello everyone! I'm Eléonore, a second year Civil Engineering student and excieted to be running for the role of Secrretary. As a passionate Formula One fan, I am committed to contributing to the success of the society and ensuring that all members are informed and engaged. If elected, I will focus on the following key areas: Communication and record-keeping: I will ensure that all communications and re ...