Respiratory Medicine: Publicity Officer


Ira Upadhye

Hello, my name is Ira, I am a third-year medical student. I would love to be a part of the respiratory society as it is one of my favourite topics and it is one of my bsc options next year. I find it really interesting and have loved my placement in it this year. Furthermore, I would like to be a publicity officer as I am creative and have had experience making posters and using Canva. In previous years, I was the pu ...

Ell Loukily

Hi my name is Ell, third year medical student, and I will be running for publicity officer! With Imperial Resp soc being a relatively new society, its integral to still build public exposure to encourage others to join and grow this great society. I wish to be a part of that growth by drawing in new members and advertising and informing of upcoming events and opportunities. To achieve this, I wish not only to develo ...

Joel Stoy

Hi, my name is Joel and I'm a second year medical student and I would love the opportunity to be your next publicity officer. With a natural interest in photography and photo/video editing, I feel I will be able to thrive to create exciting announcments and posters which will help encourage more students to take part in respiratory events. I know respiratory will be exciting with the various opportunities like con ...