Prosthetics: Treasurer


Bharathaan Sukumaran

As a candidate for Treasurer of the Prosthetics Society, I am committed to maintaining financial integrity and ensuring the society's success. My goals include financial transparency, realistic budget management, fundraising, collaborations, and inclusivity. To achieve financial transparency, I will maintain a clear and comprehensive record of all financial transactions and make the society's finances accessible to ...

Sam Clifford

Hi everyone! My name is Sam and I'm a first-year biomedical engineering student running to be the prosthetics society treasurer. Prosthetics society has been serving our engineering community by providing an opportunity for people to collaborate on projects and attend talks by industry professionals. I hope as treasurer I will be able to take a more involved role in the society and assist in financial affairs. I ha ...

Camille Lemoine

Hi beautiful people, My name is Camille and I am a 2nd Bioengineering student. I am excited to run for the position of Treasurer for the Prosthetics Society. As your Treasurer, I will work hard to ensure that we have the financial resources we need to support all the projects running within the society. As a current member of the Cybathlon Arm Team, I have enjoyed getting to know the society’s members a ...