Society of Research and Academia: Research Skills Academy Lead


Rithvik Narendranath

Hey everyone! My name is Rithvik and I’m applying to be the research skills academy lead at SORA. Having a keen interest in academic medicine and biomedical research, SORA has always stood out to me as a society I would love to be a part of. What I found particularly unique about SORA is the extent of which the society offers support for making competitive specialty foundation program applications which I am ve ...

Henry Zhang

Hello I’m Henry, a third-year medic running for research skills academy lead of SORA. Having been member of SORA for the past couple of years I have benefited from various events run by the committee which has given me an insight of medical academia. My experience applying for UROP has made me aware of the challenges as a medical student to embrace research opportunities. I would therefore like to join the comm ...

Aidan Birdi

Hi! I'm Aidan - I'm a second year medical student running to be the RSA lead at SORA!I am really passionate about evidenced-based medicine and research methodology. I have taken online courses in biostatistics and data science, as well as having attended the RSA in the past. As publicity officer for IDSoc, I have gained lots of skills in advertising events and campaigns; as well as learning to work well collaborativ ...