Sailing: Secretary


Jody Cheng

Hey everyone! I’m Jody and I’m running for Secretary this year. I think I’m suited for this role because I can help make the club run smoothly and improve communication between the committee, sailing squad and the wider sailing society. I joined sailing two years ago when I was a complete beginner. I think this puts me in a good position to be secretary because I know how it feels to be new (I&rsqu ...

Henry Hollingworth

Coming to Imperial, I worried that my sailing would have to take a back seat to studying. Fortunately, I could not have been more wrong! ICSC has been the highlight of my first year at Imperial and I am running for secretary because I genuinely believe that I can have a positive impact on the club and help others fuel their sailing obsession as this club has fuelled mine. Alongside fulfilling the usual responsibil ...