Surgical: Executive Committee Member


Srikar Namireddy

Hi, my name is Srikar and I am running for the position of general executive. Going forwards, I would like to lead the specialty skills weekend as it is a great way of promoting exposure to the various surgical procedures used within each subspecialty. Some things I want to implement in the future include workshops for neurosurgery and cardiothoracics. In addition, I also would like to give members a say (using po ...

Sachi Parikh

As part of subcommittee this year I thoroughly enjoyed planning and executing events, seeing the whole process such as finding speakers and sponsorship. I understand how demanding and logistically challenging events can be, however having seen them be successfully run, I believe I too have learnt the skills and knowledge to competently run them, this time as a General executive. Being involved in five surgical socie ...

Adheesha Kumarasinghe

Hi everyone! My name is Adheesha. I grew up in Sri Lanka and England and enjoy cricket, tea, travelling, and listening to Eminem. I was part of Surgical Society's subcommittee this year, so you may have already seen me at some of the society's events. As part of subcommittee, I was a member of the organising committee of Specialty Skills Weekend, where I learned the art of planning and running workshops. I also hel ...

Michael Song

Hi! I’m Michael and I’m running for general executive. Having enjoyed many of Surgical Society’s conferences this year and last, including the Trauma Conference and Surgical Skills Weekend, I wanted to become more involved in providing these opportunities for others. As a general executive, I would look forward to collaborating with experts in their respective fields to provide an entry into surgery ...

Rithvik Narendranath

Hey everyone! My name is Rithvik and I’m running for general executive. Wanting to know more about what a career in surgery entails I attended the society’s introduction to surgery event which gave me an insight into the daily life of a surgeon. Following this I went to the trauma conference at which I was in awe of the amount of diversity and opportunity that falls under the subspecialty of trauma. I t ...

Joshua Xu

Hello everyone This year I am applying to be one of the executive committee members. After helping out Trauma conference this year as the sponsorship lead and participating in several of the events this year, I have thoroughly enjoyed it and would love to help out even more in the upcoming year. I believe that I possess the necessary skills, experience, and passion for excelling in this role and contributing to the ...

Akshita Ramineni

Hi everyone, my name is Akshita and I’m running for general executive for the surgical society. Imperial Surgical Society has been key in developing my skills as an aspiring surgeon, providing me with invaluable insights and giving me early exposure to surgical techniques. As a person who constantly strives to improve their manual dexterity through attending multiple SurgSoc workshops, it would be an honour to ...

Sulaiman Sajjad

Hi everyone! I’m Sulaiman, currently a third year medic, and I am running to be in SurgSoc's executive committee next year. I have been an active member of the society this year, attending events such as the Trauma Conference and Speciality Skills weekend. Now, I would love the opportunity to be one of the people responsible for bringing such exciting events to the ICSM community. I believe I have the right ex ...

Yousuf Yaqub

Hey guys, I thoroughly enjoyed working as part of the Trauma Subcommittee this year; surg soc is one of the most friendly and rewarding societies I have been involved with, and I would love to be on committee next year. I believe that I have the skills required to serve as an effective and competent executive comittee member. For the past year I have been a council member on The Royal Society of Medicine Student Se ...

Anoushka Khot

Hi I'm Anoushka, a first year medic who would cherish in the opportunity to be your Executive Committee Member in Surgical Society. My priorities would involve widening the scope of events through which Surgical Society reaches out to you, its members. Through my previous experience in such roles, as Head of Debate Committee and School Council representative, I have developed the skills to organise events and communi ...

David Son

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Jasleen Nagi

Hello, my name is Jasleen! Working as a member of subcommittee this year has given me a strong insight into the running of Surg Soc. My particular involvement in organising our Specialty Skills Weekend and inaugural event, enabled me to develop the skills required to optimise what we can deliver. Alongside my roles in the UK Medical Students’ Association, ICSM SORA and Plastic Surgical Society, the communicati ...

Henry Zhang

Hello, I'm Henry, and I'm running for the executive committee member of the Surgical Society as a third-year medic. Over the past few years, I have been an active member of Surgsoc, participating in various events that have provided me with valuable insights into surgical innovation and its impact on clinical outcomes. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experiences with others who are interested in learni ...

Notis Tzionis

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Raman Venkatesh Venkatesh

Hey there, my name is Raman Venkatesh and I'm a first year medical student who's hoping to become an Executive Committee Member of Surgical Society. As a current fresher representative and subcommittee member, I have a lot of experience with the running of the society's main events through helping out at some of them, including Trauma and Specialty Skills Weekend. In addition, as an academic representative for Phase ...

Dania Khunda

Hi my name is Dania. I am currently a second year medical student and I would love the opportunity to be an Excecutive committe member of Surgical Society. I have always been fascinated by surgery and eager to advance my learning in the area through teaching, placements and speaking to professionals in the field. Imperial's surgical society, and its tutorial scheme in particular, has also been a big support for me i ...

Kapenajah Sribaskaran

Hello, I’m Kapenajah a fourth year medic intercalating in bioengineering. Since first year,Surgical society has helped me in many ways from learning anatomy from the JAS lecture series,expanding my knowledge on surgical specialities in Speciality spotlights to being astounded by the Trauma conference.Surgical society offer a wide range of academic events.I want to utilise my skills to ensure that even more opp ...

Romilly Hayward

Hello, I’m Romilly (4th Year) and I would love you be considered for the role of General Executive on next year’s committee! I have been on multiple society committees during my time at Imperial, and this year, I am Paediatrics Playteam Chair, RAG Sponsorship Officer and ICSM Light Opera Secretary. As Opera Secretary, I have also been responsible for organising all of the society’s academics, includ ...

Zekiye Karagozlu

Hello everyone! My name is Zekiye and I am applying to be a part of the general executive team, mainly because I am enchanted by a passion for surgery and I had a great fun being a part of the society this year. You might know me from my involvement with the Trauma Conference this year, or with other societies such as RAG (secretary) or Neuroscience (co-pesident). Having had these incredible experiences as well as ...

Ayman Faisal

Hi, my name is Ayman and I'm a second-year medical student who would love to be part of Surgical Society as one of the executive committee members. I am passionate about surgery and am excited to not only be part of a society that shares this passion but also take an active role in finding resources and helping plan events that will enhance my knowledge as well as my peers' knowledge about surgery. By helping to del ...

Lizzie Varaksina

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Yana Murateva

My name is Yana Murateva and this year I have been an active part of the Surgical Society Subcommittee. I was directly involved with the organization of the Inaugural Lecture and the Specialty Skills Weekend. I learned the detailed process of running a conference that provides valuable learning opportunities. I decided to run for General Executive because I think I have all the skills necessary to do a great job. Lea ...