Chemistry (UG): Departmental Wellbeing Representative


Natalia Politylo-Aluwihare

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Melita Crasta

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Eddie Wang

Mental Health and Wellbeing is so often neglected at Imperial. Especially with the CHemistry course, often students suffer from extremely poor mental health. I seek to enable students to cope with the stresses of this challenging degree Through liasons with the Chemistry Department, I will seek to try to find the best ways to help mitigate the extreme pressure that often students find themselves under. Students s ...

Stefaniia Medvetskaia

Hey! My name is Stef and I am a first year Chemistry student. I am hoping to be your Chemistry Wellbeing Representative next year! I already am heavily involved in Wilson House committee, performing the highly demanding role of co-chair. This includes many tasks, such as chairing meetings and managing the budget, but most importantly, listening to student’s feedback, opinions and concerns. Throughout ...

Jason Li

Hey everyone, I'm Jason Li and I'm excited to be running as your next Department Well-being Representative! Having been an active and friendly presence on campus and in our group chats, I've already had many wonderful opportunities to connect with the incredible people that make up our department. I truly enjoy lending a helping hand, and I believe that bringing people together and assisting others is a truly meanin ...

Pooja Reddy

Hi everyone, my name is Pooja! I running to be your Departmental Wellbeing Representative for Chemistry. In this role, my primary focus will be to clearly communicate students' opinions and build upon my experience as Year 2 Wellbeing Rep - I hope to do this by encouraging open dialogue and collaboration among all stakeholders. I pledge to maintain transparent communication channels with students and faculty and ac ...