Physics: President


Daniel Hesk

If elected, I non-committally suggest that I might: Have a mural of Carlo Contaldi representing Mother Nature painted on the door of every toilet cubicle Cut all slow-marking teachers in half by 2024 Increase the Y1 Summer Project budget from £200 to £1.6 million, excluding shipping, handling, & faculty bribes Organise a yearly trip to see physics landmarks in person, including CERN, ITER, and t ...

Henry Leitch

Hi all Sweaty Students, For most of us, Physoc represents Pokemon hunts and Star Wars marathons. We were promised pizza at the end of every term and yet still I remain hungry. Sweaty students like us should not be provided with grey T-shirts; these leave sweat patches. I'd love to see an expansion into a brighter colour palette, with some real fashion enthusiasts bringing the Physoc community out of our NEEKY ways. ...

Fatiha Tabassum

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Tadd Poon

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.