Mathematics: Treasurer


Elana Todd-Miller

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Mashrur Khondokar

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Moe Okawara

Hi, I’m Moe, a third-year maths student and I am running for mathsoc treasurer. As someone going into their final year, I believe that I have gained the experience and connections that would enable me to support mathsoc as treasurer. I can ensure that the finances of the society are managed responsibly by carefully monitoring the spending and income of the society. While doing so, I will allocate appropriate ...

Ghazi Zein

Heya, I'm Ghazi and I'll be running for Treasurer of MathSoc.Having (nearly) finished first year, I got a taste of what maths at imperial is like. And so, I would love to give back to the community and participate in the running of MathSoc by becoming Treasurer.I would say that my love of numbers and maths would make me suitable for this job, but that would be redundant :) Thank you for reading, (and do vote)Ghazi