Chemistry: President


Anastasia Kryachkova

Hey everyone, I'm Anastasia, a second year Chemist, and I'm running for your next ChemSoc president! I'm the type of person who starts to work on an assignment a week before the deadline and still finishes it the night before, in other words, extremely organised and seeking perfection! Here are my goals as president, and I am always open to suggestions and happy to listen to your feedback! Surprisingly, our depa ...

Eltjo Mante

Hi folks, I hope you're well. I'm Eltjo and I'm going into my 3rd year this autumn term. I love talking to people, and I talk to a lot of them - chances are I've spoken to you too! I talk to professors and to students and I've had weeks where I've spent more than 5 hours talking to staff. As your president, I would direct these efforts to having great communication between staff and students, ensuring each group he ...

Madeleine Fisher

I am Maddie a 3rd year MSci Chemistry student, and I am running to be your next Chemsoc president. Especially in the previous year, Chemsoc felt like it had become a proper part of my university experience and I hope to continue that if I am elected. Alongside the normal duties of a society president, I will endeavor to make sure that I am a presence on campus and that people in Chemsoc feel that they can turn to me ...