Data Science: Head of Talent Development


Adhya Rajaram

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Adam Hussain

I would be honoured take up the position of Head of Talent Development. The exponential growth in prominence of AI in all areas of life makes it extremely important for the current generation to have an understanding and appreciation for the power of data. Through lecture courses suited to a range of abilities, I will facilitate the development of skills which will prove to be essential in students' careers, both aca ...

Yomna Mohamed

Hello everyone! I'm Yomna, an EIE student running for Head of Talent Development at ICDSS. Drawing upon my experience as the previous Head of Corporate Relations at ICDSS and Education Officer at City and Guilds College Union, I'm excited to contribute further to our society. I envision collaborating with fellow Talent Development Heads to foster knowledge growth among ICDSS members, regardless of their data scienc ...