Mountaineering: Vice Postgraduate Secretary


Sofia Srdanovic

Hi, I’m Sofia – a 1st year MRes/PhD Chemical Biology postgrad. I like to live life on the edge by inhaling deadly chemicals in the lab, freestyle skiing and more recently (to my mum’s horror) by climbing. I’m no stranger to the committee life having been involved heavily with the snowsports club at my previous uni. Don’t worry, I’m a convert and have jumped ship from the snow-cover ...

Amy McIntosh

Hiya! I’m Amy, I’m a first year MRes/Phd student who spends more time climbing/thinking about climbing/talking about climbing than anything else. I’ve been part of the postgrad section since the start of the year and have loved the psych and supportive environment (kudos to Miguel!) and would like to help continue this as next year’s postgrad sec. Some of you may have met me at the wall or pub ...