Cricket: Social Secretary


Freddie Johnson

As Social Secretary, I will be the medium through which members of the club can bond and get to know eachother outside of cricket. This means organising fun activities for all members of the club whether that be a day out watching some cricket or watching Glover and Deano getting their rig out on a Wednesday. Either way I will encourage all members to participate in various events, big or small so that we all feel a ...

Alex Glover

I am Alex and I am looking to be Social Secretary again this year. In the past year I have enjoyed putting on some huge weekly socials during the winter months to bring in new members and help everyone in the club get to know each other before the seasons starts. I am looking forward to putting my creativity (and printing credits) to good use again next year. One of my main aims for next season is to improve the Al ...

Ali Sufi

I want to get more people into these social events and even encourage those who dont drink to come as well as I am a non-drinker also. This will allow for a better experience as a society as it allows teams to bond and increase chemistry thus helping in the cricket season which follows later.