Cricket: 3rd Team Captain


Sidhanth Sureshkumar

Hey guys, I’m Sid and I am running for the 3rd team captain this year. From being a social member for a year, to actually playing games for the 3s this year, albeit most of them intra-squad, I have loved every moment of it. Having lived with the current 3rd team captain, I have a pretty good idea of what the role would entail, and also having captained previously at a club and a school level, I believe I would ...

Punit Jivan

I stand before you today with a mission, a vision that will rock the MCC members off their seats. • Pet Peeves Unleashed: It's time to break free from the shackles of tradition! As your captain, I vow to introduce some unconventional rules. Mankading? Oh, yes! Feel free to dismiss those wandering batsmen. Keepers wearing short sleeves? Absolutely! Let their biceps bask in the sun while they take gravity-defying ...

Ebrahim Jahangiri

Hey all, I'm Ebi as you all know and running for captain because I feel I've been a regular in the team, know a lot of the people within the squad and would love to lead the group. Also, buy my book on Amazon: ...