Medicine (UG): Year Five Academic Representative


Christie Tsang

Hello, I’m Christie, a fifth year medic and I would be honoured to be your Academic Officer for the upcoming year! Having served as the academic officer for AMSA last year, I hope to build upon this and become more involved in the wider student experience as we enter our penultimate year. I plan to achieve this in three ways: 1. Fifth-Year Weekly Brief With self-directing learning playing a significant porti ...

Ria Varma

Hi everyone! I’m Ria and I’m running for Year 5 Academic Rep! It has been a pleasure to contribute to ICSM’s rich peer-to-peer teaching community as BRS Crash Course Co-founder, Teaching Academy Facilitator, MedED Year 3 Coordinator and MedED Year 4 Coordinator. I have recently been elected to ICSMSU and hold the position of Academic Officer (BSc). I am already working closely with the Academic O ...

Sneha Pimpalnerkar

Hi everyone, I'm Sneha and I'd love to be your year 5 academic rep :) As your rep I would: - Push for path week timetables in advance- to know when in person attendance is mandatory - Ensure consistency in the quality of speciality teaching between different hospital sites - Ensure that we have clarity regarding exam structure and content I want to ensure that the whole year feels supported pastorally and aca ...